Saturday 1 September 2012



Process for generating creative ideas and solutions through intensive and freewheeling group discussion. Every participant is encouraged to think aloud and suggest as many ideas as possible, no matter seemingly how outlandish or bizarre. Analysis, discussion, or criticism of the aired ideas is allowed only when the brainstorming session is over and evaluation session begins. See also lateral thinking and nominal group technique.


    1. Define and agree the objective.
    2. Brainstorm ideas and suggestions having agreed a time limit.
    3. Categorize/condense/combine/refine.
    4. Assess/analyse effects or results.
    5. Prioritize options/rank list as appropriate.
    6. Agree action and timescale.
    7. Control and monitor follow-up.


    Brainstorming enables people to suggest ideas at random. Your job as facilitator is to encourage everyone to participate, to dismiss nothing, and to prevent others from pouring scorn on the wilder suggestions (some of the best ideas are initially the daftest ones - added to which people won't participate if their suggestions are criticised). During the random collection of ideas the facilitator must record every suggestion on the flip-chart. Use Blu-Tack or sticky tape to hang the sheets around the walls. At the end of the time limit or when ideas have been exhausted, use different coloured pens to categorise, group, connect and link the random ideas. Condense and refine the ideas by making new headings or lists. You can diplomatically combine or include the weaker ideas within other themes to avoid dismissing or rejecting contributions (remember brainstorming is about team building and motivation too - you don't want it to have the reverse effect on some people). With the group, assess, evaluate and analyse the effects and validity of the ideas or the list. Develop and prioritise the ideas into a more finished list or set of actions or options.


    (FOR creativity,presentations,decision making,and organizing your ideas)

    DEFINITION: (just by yourself) is very useful for the start of any new project, especially if  you can be prone to put things off until tomorrow.

    Planning a new venture, a presentation, or any new initiative, is generally much easier if you begin simply by thinking of ideas - in no particular order or structure - and jotting them down on a sheet of paper or in a notebook. Basically this is personal brainstorming, and it can follow the same process as described above for groups, except that it's just you doing it.

    Sometimes it's very difficult to begin planning something new - because you don't know where and how to start. Brainstoming is a great way to begin. The method also generates lots of possibilities which you might otherwise miss by getting into detailed structured planning too early.

    A really useful tool for personal brainstorming - and note-taking generally - is the wonderful Bic 4-colour ballpen. 

    The pen enables you quickly to switch colours between red, blue, black and green, without having to walk around with a pocket-full of biros. 

    Using different colours in your creative jottings and written records helps you to make your notes and diagrams clearer, and dramatically increases the ways in which you can develop and refine your ideas and notes on paper. To prove the point, review some previous notes in black or blue in using a red pen - see how you can organize/connect the content, still keeping it all clear and legible. 

    This simple pen is therefore a brilliant tool for organizing your thoughts on paper much more clearly and creatively than by being limited to a single colour - especially if you think in visual terms and find diagrams helpful.

    For example, using different colours enables you to identify and link common items within a random list, or to show patterns and categories, or to over-write notes without making a confusing mess, and generally to generate far more value from your thoughts and ideas. Keeping connected notes and ideas on a single sheet of paper greatly helps the brain to absorb and develop them. Try it - you'll be surprised how much more useful your notes become.

    The principle is the same as using different colours of marker pens on a flip-chart. Other manufacturers produce similar pens, but the Bic is reliable, widely available, and very inexpensive.

                Wednesday 29 August 2012


                CREATIVE THINKING

                BUTTER GLUE
                This product made from Japan. The question ask what wrong with a knife? there is no wrong with a knife but when they have a butter glue it will make them easier to eat and they can bring it together with them to anywhere they like. This is one example of the creative thinking. 

                JAPAN CHOPSTICK
                Japan always thing for their health. This is one of the product  that will make them healthy. This is because  when we are eat a hot food, we will blow to the food. When we blow the food we are release carbon dioxide which can give a bad impact to our health. That's why they put a small fan to blow our  food . This is one example of critical thinking.

                USING FINGERS 

                This video show how people are start to think on how to attract people... 

                they use their creativity to attract people to use the stair.

                creativity is...

                thinking out of the box like...

                Thursday 9 August 2012



                 By Amanda Hermes

                Creative and Critical Thinking SkillsAccording to Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, creative and critical thinking skills fall under the highest level of cognitive development. To think creatively and critically, we have to use both sides of our brain and understand many aspects of basic knowledge first. Both skills are extremely important for achievement and success in the world today, and there are easy things that parents and teachers can do to build these skills in childrenAccording to Bloom`s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, creative and critical thinking skills fall under the higher level of cognitive development. To think creatively and critically, we have to use both side of our brain and understand many aspects of basic knowledge first. Both skills are extremely important for achievement and success in the world today, and there are easy things that parents and teachers can do to build these skills in children.
                According to Bloom`s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, creative and critical thinking skills fall under the highest level of cognitive development. To think creatively and critically, we have to use both side of our brain and understand many aspect of basic knowledge first. Both skills are extremely important for achievement and success in the world today, and there are easy things that parents and teachers can do to build these skills in children

                              What is Creative Thinking ?

                In book "Teaching Strategies" written by Donald Orlich definition of creative thinking is blending different elements to form a new and unique entity. It is the process of combining parts in such a way as to constitute a pattern or structure that did not exist before

                • Creative thinkers are able to put ideas together in new or unique ways or create new idea configurations. We often think of artists as being creative, which is certainly true, but scientists, legislators and engineers are also highly creative, because they seek to use research and data in new ways to find cures for diseases, design new cars or computers, or draw up new laws for health care.

                  Example :-
                  You don't have to be artistic or whimsical to be creative,just imaginative and able to think outside the box.

                  Why Creative Thinking is Important ?

                • Cross Marketable Skills

                Creativity will ALWAYS  be in demand, regardless of what industry you are working in. It is cross marketable and if you have developed your creative thinking skills to a point where you can draw upon it at any time, it is one of those things that will give you the edge that really differentiates yourself from other people.

                • The Door That Opens Opportunity 
                Creative thinking is the key that opens doors to a whole new realm of opportunities. Look at what the Internet did. The airplane. The automobile. The opportunities that resulted from these creative endeavors are countless. Everywhere you look, you see the end result of man’s creative thinking at work.

                • Promotes Initiative and Optimism
                Creative thinking gets you out of playing a passive role and puts you in more aggressive mode. What can i do? How can i do it? What will i need to do it? A strong sense of personal responsibility and initiative gets instilled and that in turn, really makes you feel "alive" because you feel firmly in control of your life.

                What is Critical Thinking ?

                • According to Orlich critical thinking or higher-level thinking, involves analysis and evaluation of observations and materials. Analysis involves taking apart complex items, such as speeches, written communications, statistics, or machines and explaining their underlying organization figuring out, how they work or what they are really saying. It is more than just understanding an object or concept, but looking below the surface to discover how different parts interact. Evaluation requires making decisions on topics and substantiating these decisions with sound reasons. 

                  In order to evaluate an idea or object, we must first set up appropriate standards or values by which to make a judgment and determine how closely the idea or object meets the standards or values. In other words, we use critical thinking when we make decisions and solve problems. Good critical thinkers don't accept information at face value, but look inside it for hidden agendas, things that are left out, and underlying bias. Journalists, lawyers and educators are just some of the professions that require a lot of critical thinking.

                Why Critical Thinking is Important ?

                1. Explores and considers as many possibilities.

                2. Able to deduce consequences from what we know.

                3. Make use of information to solve problems and to seek relevant sources.

                Sunday 29 July 2012



                NICK NAME : TYRA

                BIRTHDAY : 02 DECEMBER 1992

                FROM: TELUK INTAN,PERAK

                HEIGHT: 6'

                WEIGHT: 0KG

                SIZE : MEDIUM

                F/ COLOUR : PASTEL 

                F/ FOOD : ALL DELICIOUS FOOD

                F/ BEVERAGE : APPLE JUICE



                HOBBY : DREAMING

                STATUS : NOT MARRIED

                SIBLINGS : I'M THE OLDEST (5 SIBLINGS)

                AYAH 'S NAME : HASSIM BIN SAADIN

                MAK 'S NAME : NOR FADZILAH BT AZIS

                Noor NazhatulShima bt Ahmad

                call me Shima
                20 years old
                student UiTM,KEDAH
                lives at Teluk Intan, Perak
                before this i  study at SMK Convent
                my weight is more than 40kg but less than 50kg
                my height is 165cm
                i love singing but i don't want to be a singer
                i wish that i will become successful businesswomen.
                i like to eat very much and 
                i love chocolate :)
                i am the eldest among my sibling.
                i have 2 younger sisters and
                3 younger brothers.
                my dad works as a farmer and contractor,
                he was 43 years old 
                my mum works as laboratory assistant,
                she was 40 years old
                i love them so much!
                my principle of life
                'just do whatever u want as long there are still opportunities'

                MY BIOGRAPHY

                MY PROFILE

                this is me.

                my name is umi aida binti roslan. I was born at PENANG at 18.7.92.
                i am still studying at uitm merbok kedah. business study is my course that i take at university.
                i have 4 siblings. i am no 3 in my family.

                in my family i am very happy person. my mom was said that, when people cry i am the only want can make them happy. i don`t know it is true or not. hehe...
                my life is so meaningful. i am very happy go lucky person.
                i am very interested with something new. although i have a few nervous in my soul..
                i like to watch movie, escpecially hindustan movie and also the movie about family.

                maybe that all about myself. see u soon...

                i want to thank to miss putri because give the task for do this. so that i can correct my english, if have mistakes..hehehehe